ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ Nop Bayarith
Nop Bayarith “ណុប បាយ៉ារិទ្ធ” was born in August 16, 1981 in Phnom Penh. Nop Bayarith is a top popular youth singer star and he has a soft beautiful voice. He is a Khmer singer star in Hang Meas production. His famous song is សុំចែកបេះដូង “Som Chak Bas Dong (Share your heart)”។. Nop Bayarith has a lot of popular songs in Reaksmey Hang Meas such as: ជូនពរខ្លួនឯងឲ្យឆាប់ភ្លេចគេ (Chun Por Kloun Eng Ouy Chhab Plech Ke); ព្រោះគេអូនធ្វើបាបបង (Pruos Ke Oun Tver Bab Bang); មើលរំលងការឈឺចាប់អូន (Merl Romlong Ka Chheu Chab Oun) and other many popular songs from Hang Meas.